We understand you, we too are a first responder and military community and as such...
We desire that whatever your circumstance, big problems, small problems, or perhaps even more importantly to prevent problems, to fully serve you, the "First In."
We desire for all first responders: fire, police, ems, and dispatch and all military: army, navy, marines, air force, space force, and coast guard to thrive in all areas of life.
We desire to see thriving marriages, as this leads to thriving families, which leads to thriving communities, which leads to a thriving nation and world (Malachi 2:15).
We desire to witness transformed lives, lives transformed from guilt, shame, and fear to lives full of abundant hope, peace, and joy (John 10:10).
We believe that this transformation is 100% possible for each and every one of us. In fact, we have seen it happen, most notably in our own lives (Romans 12:2). This amazing transformation comes through the following biblical framework...
We believe in the Holy Trinity. That God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit have coexisted eternally and equally together as one GOD yet in three separate persons. Each is worthy and deserving of our worship (Genesis 1:1, Matthew 28:19, John 14:16, Galatians 3:20).
We believe that God the Son, whose name is Jesus, is the Christ. He is the promised Messiah: the perfect Priest, Prophet, and King (Matthew 5:17). He was born of the virgin, His mother Mary (Isaiah 7:14, Luke 1:27). He lived a perfect life, a life without even a hint of sin all the while tempted just as us, in every human way (Hebrews 4:15). For this, Jesus was tortured, crucified, and physically died on the cross which atoned for all mankind's transgressions (Mark 15:15, 15:37, Romans 3:25). Jesus was placed in a tomb (Mark 15:46). On the third day He rose from the dead and defeated death, so that mankind can live with Him in glory forever (Luke 24:6, Romans 6:23). This is our ultimate hope.
We believe that for humans to be transformed by Jesus's atoning work, we must believe in our hearts what is mentioned above, we must repent and turn from our sins, and we must proclaim Jesus as the Lord of our lives (Romans 10:10).
We believe in the inerrancy and infallibility of the Holy Bible and that the Scriptures are fully sufficient for all life and godliness (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:3). It is through this truth revealing guidebook that we learn who we are and what God intends for us to do.
Now it is up to you. If you desire growth in any area of life, even if you do not submit to our beliefs, we are here for you, and believe the truths of Scripture will transform you!